See below for our Battery Energy Stationary Storage Global Grid Deployments Infographic, July 2023. This draws on data from our BESS Monthly Assessment and our BESS Quarterly Outlook.

The BESS Monthly Assessment provides a monthly update of global BESS developments, both for projects and news from the sector. Click here to request a demo.

The BESS Quarterly Outlook provides long-term outlooks for ESS battery demand and battery chemistry, by application and region, based on robust and informed methodologies. Click here to request a demo.

Highlights from this month’s assessment:

  • VW and Tesla plan to enter the European electricity market. VW through a trial battery project in Germany, and Tesla in the UK through its new retail energy provider branch to support Powerwall owners.
  • FREYR Battery has received a further EUR100 million (USD109.6 million) from the EU’s Innovation Fund. The grant will go towards the construction of the cell manufacturer’s Giga Arctic production facility in Norway.
  • Project spotlights in July include Desert Peak Energy Centre in California – the new largest project in our database, KBESS2 in Australia and Andes IIb Solar and Storage in Chile.

BESS Capacity Tracker – what does it tell us?

July was strong month for the grid BESS market, with over 9GWh on new capacity entering operation across over 58 projects, a y-o-y increase of 1,032% compared to July 2022, a notably low month for last year. Installed capacity for the first seven months now exceeds 45GWh, the same as was installed in the full year 2022. For the full year 2023, a further 108GWh of capacity is planned to enter operation, of which we will likely see at least 30% will face a delay to 2024.

Why do we track the battery energy stationary storage market? 

To understand the market dynamics, key drivers, and technologies our BESS market analysis is an important data tool providing the cathode demand for grid scale and behind the meter BESS based on use case, economic and regional analysis.

These trends have implications along the battery supply chain for battery raw material suppliers, battery manufacturers, utility companies and renewable energy developers, as well as anyone with an interest in the ESS battery supply chain

The monthly assessment provides a regular update of the developments in the BESS market, tracking both key market and technology news and an analysis into the roll-out and development of grid-scale projects and those currently in the pipeline. This enables you to stay up to date and well informed within the competitive and growing BESS market.

Who benefits from understanding battery energy stationary storage market dynamics? 

Battery raw material suppliers, battery manufacturers, utility companies, renewable energy developers as well as anyone with an interest in the ESS battery supply chain.

How do we track the battery energy stationary storage market? 

The near-term market is tracked via project announcements and progress updates these come from a number of sources including government and provincial bodies, news sites, technology supplier announcements, and planning bodies. The result is our ever-growing database of battery energy storage installation projects worldwide, which covers most projects over 10MWh, this is updated on an ongoing basis. We track key metrics for each project including the storage technology employed, the size of the installation, the feed-in energy source and supplier.

A key factor in the long term forecast in both grid and behind the meter methodologies is to assess the market outlook for global electricity demand, and also to determine the renewables share of the mix of this growing demand. For this, we consider a number of factors affecting this on a region-by-region basis. Our outlook for battery ESS is calculated by identifying the appropriate technology deployment based on the use case and economics in each storage scenario.

How could our data help you?

Access to the analysis we provide, enables our clients to gain an in-depth, comprehensive understanding of the battery ESS market. It allows them to devise well-informed strategies, stay up-to-date with key market developments, maintain an awareness of the competitive landscape and create future-proof plans.

The Battery Energy Stationary Storage Outlook delivers a complete overview and analysis of the current and future BESS market. The report can be used as both a reference tool to understand the market dynamics, key drivers, and technologies and as an important data tool providing the cathode demand for grid scale and behind the meter BESS based on use case, economic and regional analysis

The Battery Energy Stationary Storage Monthly Assessment provides you with a regular update of the developments in the Battery ESS market, tracking both key market and technology news and an analysis into the roll-out and development of grid-scale projects, and those currently in the pipeline.

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